SEC – Securities Enforcement Commission
The Commission is not connected or affiliated with SEC – Securities Enforcement Commission

Date Posted: 5 January 2021

Securities Enforcement Commission

Securities Enforcement Commission

SEC Facebook

It has come to the attention of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) that an entity by the name of SEC – Securities Enforcement Commission has been contacting individual borrowers of a certain lending company through email, advising them to cease payments on loans in view of alleged active investigations/cases against said lending company. Please be informed that the Commission does not issue such an advice to any borrower of any lending or financing company. The public is further advised that the Commission is not, in any way, connected or affiliated with SEC –Securities Enforcement Commission. Borrowers who received letters, emails, or any other communication containing said information from SEC –Securities Enforcement Commission and other similar entities are advised to directly coordinate with the Commission via email at For the guidance of the public. Pasay City, 5 January 2021

It has come to the attention of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) that an entity by the name of SEC – Securities Enforcement Commission has been contacting individual borrowers of a certain lending company through email, advising them to cease payments on loans in view of alleged active investigations/cases against said lending company. Please be informed that the Commission does not issue such an advice to any borrower of any lending or financing company. The public is further advised that the Commission is not, in any way, connected or affiliated with SEC –Securities Enforcement Commission. Borrowers who received letters, emails, or any other communication containing said information from SEC –Securities Enforcement Commission and other similar entities are advised to directly coordinate with the Commission via email at For the guidance of the public. Pasay City, 5 January 2021